Jay Chou self-directed film Secret had a box office taking of more than $50000,000 in Taiwan, there is always rumored plans of a sequel and alleged that Andy Lau will be invited to showcase their magic together because few know that Andy is an expert in magic!

Some websites reported that Jay intended to cast Andy as his master, then Andy suggested that it will be interesting that both of them to be magicians and PK against each other, thus the story had been changed to both showbiz magician PK against each other.
news from: Sina.com, yule.sohu.com, ent.people.com.cn, ent.163.com, enjoy.eastday.com

Some websites reported that Jay intended to cast Andy as his master, then Andy suggested that it will be interesting that both of them to be magicians and PK against each other, thus the story had been changed to both showbiz magician PK against each other.
news from: Sina.com, yule.sohu.com, ent.people.com.cn, ent.163.com, enjoy.eastday.com
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